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Popular Sites for Teens

(Common Sense Media, 2019)

16 hours
a Week
16 hours
a Week

Males ages 12-15 engage in gaming the most and report it as the social media activity they like best.


Percentage of teens who report they watch YouTube videos daily.



One of the biggest social media trends, it was named the most downloaded app in 2018.

Social Media


The accessibility of devices allows teenagers to be constantly connected and distracted. Parents can help minimize distractions by limiting use and teaching teens the importance of disconnecting.  


While doing homework

1 in 4 teens text and

1 in 5 teens use

social media.

(Common Sense Media, 2019)


54% of teens admit that social media distracts them when they are with their friends.

(Common Sense Media, 2019)


42% of teens say social media has taken away from time they spend with friends and  other activities.

(Common Sense Media, 2019)

Considerations about Sleep 

Sleep is extremely important to our physical and emotional well-being.  Adolescents often do not get the sleep they need, and screen time is another obstacle to them getting enough rest.  


of teens check their phone as soon as they wake up.

(Pew Research Center, 2018)


Over 50%

of teens wake up at night to a notification or

to check

social media.

(Common Sense Media, 2019)

Impact of Screens on Sleep
Impact of Screens on Sleep


  • Harder time falling asleep and staying asleep

  • Shorter sleep duration during the week

  • Nighttime-specific screen use has an even higher association with poorer sleep quality

  • Increase in depressive and anxiety symptoms

  • Difficulty concentrating, which can impact school achievements

(Li et al., 2019; Woods & Scott, 2016) 

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