Risks Related to Social Media
There is conflicting information about the impact social media has on adolescents. Here are the common themes found
in research regarding the negative effects.

General Concerns
Given the accessibility of mobile
technology and the frequency of social media use in adolescence, problems will occur online. Talking to kids about what they may encounter can help buffer the negative impact of these situations.
58% of teenagers don't think posting personal information online is unsafe. But teens need to consider what information - names, identifying information, where they live - can not only track them but compromise their identity.
(Smartsocial, 2018)
70% kids ages 8-18 have encountered online pornography. Sexually explicit material is easily accessible online, whether through pop-ups or accidental exposure due to general searches.
of teens ages 13-18 use
social media multiple times
a day.
(Common Sense Media, 2019)
Online Disinhibition
The idea that people behave in ways they would not in real life. Can be attributed to: anonymity, invisibility, impulsivity, and lack of authority.
(Lapidot-Lefler & Baker, 2012; Suler, 2004)
Exposure to Hate Speech
64% of adolescents admit to seeing hate speech
involving gender, religion, culture, race, and sexual orientation online.
(Common Sense Media, 2018)
Threats Online
Given the amount of time that teenagers spend on social media, they are going to encounter difficult situations. Here are some of the common risks that young people face online.
Vulnerable Youth
Research has indicated some characteristics
that can make adolescents especially vulnerable to the negative experiences online. Here are some themes from the research.
Boers et al., 2019; Orben, 2019; Riehm et al., 2019; Seabrook et al., 2016; Scott et al., 2017)

Social Comparisons
20 years old

Digital Drama
20 years old

19 years old